District 20 Community
Mike's Tennis Clinic Group-October 7, 2007
Kapolei High School Cheerleader Car Wash - August 28, 2010
Read Across America at Mauka Lani Elementary School - March 2, 2011
May Day Celebration at Mauka Lani Elementary - April 29, 2011
Kapolei Elementary Songfest - May 27, 2011
"Hawai'i 5-0" -- 2011- No, I wasn’t in the Navy, though I tried to enlist in 1965. I wanted to be a medic, and serve in Vietnam, but they said I was physically unfit. I had been in a surfing accident and ruptured my esophagus a few months earlier. In this 2011 pic, I played a Navy Captain in the first episode of the 2nd season of “Hawai’i 5-0”… Not quite a speaking part… click the pic to check out the clip 10-16 seconds in for a back and side view of my almost Oscar-winning performance.
Keynote address at UH West O'ahu Fall Graduation - December 8, 2012 UH West O'ahu with Chancellor Gene Awakuni - first graduation held at the new UH West O'ahu campus in Kapolei.
Vege Gift Box from OHA - January 16, 2013 Senator Gabbard, a vegetarian since 1972 and vegan since 2012, was delighted to receive this box of Mao Farms Organic fruits and vegetables which Office of Hawaiian Affairs distributed to state legislators on Opening Day at the Capitol. Senator and Carol Gabbard also grow organic vegetables in their back yard, and both are outstanding cooks.
Senate Floor Session - February 8, 2013 - Senator Mike Gabbard met with Aerosmith leader singer, Steven Tyler, and Fleetwood Mac founder, Mick Fleetwood, during the Senate floor session on February 8, 2013.
Ringmaster September 23, 2013 - My first gig as honorary ringmaster at the Modern American Circus in Kapolei over the weekend. (I wish I had the red sequined coat to wear to my high school prom) 🙂 Very cool watching so many faces, young and old, in awe of the great performances.
Capitol Idol - April 14, 2014
UH West Oʻahu Commencement - May 9, 2015 Senator Gabbard gave the keynote speech for UH West Oʻahu 2015 Spring Commencement. Check it out on YouTube at the 24:58 marker. Runs about 17 minutes. Be sure to watch it all the way to 41:40 for the surprise ending 🙂
Hawai‘i Youth Challenge Academy-December 18, 2015
Earth Day Hoʻolauleʻa - April 20, 2019
Ka Makana Aliʻi Grand Opening - October 21, 2016
Ka Makana Aliʻi Grand Opening - October 21, 2016
Mauka Lani Elementary School-Career Day - November 22, 2016
CommUNITY Work Day-October 2016 - with volunteers, Rose Woods and Emily Guerrero
Island Pacific Academy Career Day - October 2017
Island Pacific Academy - October 2017
Kapolei Elementary 25th Anniversary - November 16, 2018
Listen Story Community Meeting - January 2018
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center - March 10, 2018
Battle of Midway 76th Commemoration Ceremony-June 2, 2018
13th Annual Gandhi Celebration - October 2, 2018 I was honored to participate in the 13th Annual Program to Honor Mahatma Gandhi’s 149th birthday at the Gandhi statue, at the Honolulu Zoo beachside. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as "Mahatma", was born on October 2, 1869. He became the leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India and led India to independence through the pioneering use of non-violent civil disobedience and passive resistance, inspiring political leaders and civil rights movements across the world. The International Day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence..." Tulsi was the keynote speaker. 😊
Shauna Leake Honorary Certificate - October 13, 2018
Listen Story Community Meeting - January 2019
Youth ChalleNGe Academy 25th Anniversary- March 28, 2019 (YCA Director - Sina Atanoa and Hilo Interim Director Kuʻulei Kekuewa)
Kapolei High School Graduation - May 24, 2019 (Sen. Gabbard presented Honorary Certificates from the Hawaiʻi State Senate to the Kapolei High School Valedictorians including this surprised graduate, Shannelle Baliguat-Lamoya, and her family.
Youth Challenge Academy Class 52 Graduation - May 31, 2020
Foodland Farms Kapolei Opening - July 13, 2020 Senator Gabbard presented an honorary certificate from the State Senate to Stacy Waiau-Omori (Foodland Vice President of Sales and Operations).