Mike’s Music,
Mike’s Heart.
Aloha e Friends,
As a haole girl from the Midwest, I didn’t know anything about Hawaiʻi. I thought the meaning of aloha was as simple as ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’…
When I first met Mike, I quickly learned of the deep love and appreciation he has for Hawaiʻi, her people and the ʻāina. And when I fell in love with him, I also fell in love with Hawaiʻi and the aloha spirit that he embodies. It’s been my honor to be his wife and mother of our five keiki for the past 54 years...
I believe that the most important thing we can know about a candidate is their heart. In knowing a person’s heart, we come to know if we can trust them - and anyone who wants to know Mike’s heart need only listen to him sing.
P.S. Below is a sampling from Mike's CD "Stand as One" …timeless tunes that, like the art of storytelling, seem to become better as they age….”
Hawaiʻi Aloha
Hawaiʻi Aloha
The music used for the song "Hawaiʻi Aloha" was taken from a Christian hymn entitled "I Left It All With Jesus", which was written in the 1840's by Pennsylvania singer and composer James McGranahan. King Kamehameha IV loved that hymn so much he asked missionary Reverend Lorenzo Lyons to rewrite the words and place the new song in a Hawaiian hymn book. Reverend Lyons had a church for many years in Waimea on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi. "Hawaiʻi Aloha" is also known as "Kuu One Hanau". (hawaiianmusichistory.com) The Hawaiian and English song lyrics are below.
Song Lyrics: in Hawaiian and English
E Kūpono Me Ke Aloha
Hawaiʻi State Senator Mike Gabbard performs "E Kūpono Me Ke Aloha" (taking a stand for what's right), a song he co-wrote with Leon Siu, at the Kapolei Sunset Festival on Oʻahu, August 17, 2007.